World Environment Day is celebrated this week on June 5, 2020. We take this opportunity to talk a little more about the current situation of the environment, which is of great concern to us..
This year we want to make noise about the serious situation that the planet suffers due to high air pollution, especially in those places most inhabited by humans: cities.
¿Why take care of the environment?
As humans, we have taken over the earth, learning to use every resource, every area, and every matter to our advantage.
We control the wild, scale our obstacles, and solve every problem that comes our way. The human grew, the society grew and with it, the demands increased to an excessive, incoherent and worrying degree.
Worrying, because we have caused a great imbalance . We are in fullunbalance with nature and that will simply create the end of our times.
But we still have time if we take action. We are the last generation that can save the world and it is our duty to do so. The planet needs us now , not tomorrow or the day after, but NOW.
¿Why is our ocean so important?
The oceans provide 50% of the oxygen we breathe thanks to phytoplankton. If we destroy our oceans, we die!!
· 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year.
· 91% of plastic is not recycled..
· 1 million single-use plastic bottles are sold every minute.
· By 2050 there will be more plastic by weight than fish in the sea..
¿Why our forests are so important?
Forests are the lungs of the planet; they concentrate more than half of terrestrial biodiversity in it.
Without forests we would not only run out of the oxygen that plants provide us, but we would also destroy all the species that inhabit them. Species that not only provide oxygen, but also provide us with medicinal plants, fuel, building materials, and much more. Indirectly, they contribute to the conservation of water sources, flood prevention and protection for soils. Without wildlife, the world would be thrown out of balance.
Similarly, between forests and land there is an intimate connection between deforestation and climate change.
¿Where to start?
The most important thing is to get informed about what is happening and where we are currently standing. Now, our biggest problem is the loss of balance in biodiversity , which leads to all the other problems of imbalance on the planet ... With this information we can maintain a foundation that accompanies us on this new path that will make us feel not only better about ourselves, but will help the planet much more than you imagine. Every grain of sand counts.
Let's reduce our impact on the world, let's find the balance of life.
(Biodiversity = Stability = What we need)
1. Energy:
· Avoid using the car, especially for short distances. Walk, bike, skate, use public transportation ...
· Use artificial light as little as possible.
· Unplug appliances when you're not using them.
· If you can, install solar panels.
· Don't leave unused appliances plugged in to save energy.
. Grow a plant in your house
2. Food:
· Eating meat and dairy is the leading cause of ocean dead zones, low-oxygen areas where animals drown and die, and the disappearance of coral reefs. Also, 640,000 tons of fishing nets end up in the ocean, killing 130,000 marine mammals each year.
· Decrease your consumption of meat.
· Eat organic and local food, as much as you can.
· Avoid canned food that contains preservatives.
· Eat natural. It is very easy: what men or nature makes and not a machine, for example: an apple is made by nature, a pasta is made by men, but a Twix is made by a machine.).
· Do not buy packaged, canned or preservative foods, avoid plastic containers
· Take your own cloth bags to the supermarket / market or reuse the plastic ones..
· Get used to always carrying a thermos of water that you can fill during the day wherever you are and avoid buying plastic bottles.
· If you drink tea try to avoid bagged teas, better buy in bulk or make your own tea and use a diffuser.
3. Consumption:
· Let's avoid excessive consumerism.
· Don't buy things that you don't need. Think about whether you really need them before buying.
· Get used to carrying utensils such es(tuppers, cutlery, straw, thermos for any consumption outside home. This way you will avoid single-use plastic..
· Avoid take-out food as it generates a lot of plastic waste.
· Take advantage of all the food you buy, do not throw it away. Consciously buy what you are going to be able to consume.
· Save water, close the tap when you brush your teeth or in the shower when soaping your body or applying the shampoo. If you are waiting for the water to heat up, put a bucket under the stream so that you can later use that same water for the plants, to flush the toilet, etc.
· Avoid chemicals. Use soaps, cleaning products, cosmetics and sun creams that are kind to the ocean and your body.
· When you see trash, pick it up. Visual pollution also exists.
· Avoid convenience stores. We are very used to impulsebly buying. 99% of what stores like Oxxo sell are products packed with lots of preservatives and artificial ingredients..
Lastly, I highly recommend that you watch this great video. "How to save our Planet ", just like the full series: OUR PLANET.
We also leave this list of stores that will help you reduce your impact when consuming.
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