Crossing the Pacific with PATCHES

The "Transpac" or "The Transpacific Yacht Race" is one of the longest and most resistant regattas in the world, starting in 1906. The regatta consists of crossing the Pacific Ocean, leaving from Los Angeles, California to finish in Honolulu, Hawaii. , sailing around 2,225 nautical miles. July 13 will mark the 105th anniversary of this regatta, where sailboats, teams and crew members from various parts of the world will participate. In this edition, there will be sailboats and catamarans from 36 feet to 77 feet.
At CECO we want to be part of the best adventures, that's why we are super proud to be able to accompany and be one of the sponsors of the only Mexican team, Patches, who will be sailing across the Pacific on a TP-52 sailboat, which as its name says , is 52 feet. The competition will begin on July 13, 2021 in the port where our team will be competing against sailboats from around the world to be the first to arrive at the port of Honolulu.
Transpac CECO Patches
We want to share some basic things you have to know about the world of sailing.
1-What are the sails of a sailboat called?
The headsail is the genoa (the one at the front of the sailboat). The aft one is the largest. The sail you are probably most familiar with is the spinnaker, the largest yet ultralight sail. This sail is only used when there is a back wind, which helps to push the sailboat by wrapping the air around it like a balloon.
2-At what speed do sailboats advance?
A sailboat can reach up to 40 knots (74 km/hr). *Depending on the
3-What is a Boom?
The horizontal stick that has the function of supporting and guiding the mainsail in order to give direction to the sailboat is the Boom.
4-How does a sailboat work?
A sailboat uses only the force of the wind to be able to function. The sails gather the wind, the wind speeds up the sails, and the sails push the ship forward. Did you know that sailing is one of the most eco-friendly sports in the world?
If you want to know more about the competition, we leave you this link.
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