" There must be a responsible consumption so that there can be sustainable fishing. "

- Manolo Fernández.

Manolo is from Veracruz and has always been in contact with the sea. He is part of Pelagic Life, a businessman, restaurant owner and marine photographer. But more importantly: passionate about the sea . The most moving experience that the ocean has given him was the day he had the opportunity to swim for a few seconds with sperm whales, the largest predators in the world, that passed by him, enveloping him in a marine dance of which he was part for a few moments. .

For those who are passionate about the sea, there are a few things more painful than seeing its progressive deterioration. Within a few years, Manolo was able to witness drastic and heartbreaking changes in life under the ocean, it was this, in part, that prompted him to start a project that certifies restaurants that promote fishing and sustainable consumption:"La buena pesca".

What is "La buena Pesca"?

It is a certification given to restaurants in Mexico to promote responsible consumption of marine species in Mexico. With the goal of giving value to the work of the fisherman and the restaurants, educating the diner.

What is sustainable consumption?

Manolo assures that, to have sustainable fishing there must be responsible consumption. The decisions we make as consumers are often far from what is best for our health and for the ocean. As consumers we have an inescapable responsibility: inform ourselves to make conscious decisions before consuming any seafood product.

Thinking that what is best for the ocean should always be what is best for us, because as long as the seas are healthy, clean and diverse, the environmental balance can be maintained, therefore guaranteeing our own well-being.

Eat species that are not at the top of the food chain

These have important functions in their ecosystems, which consist of regulating the species that are under them, eliminating diseased fish, and so on. In addition, these animals are not the most recommended for human consumption, since, as they live longer, they accumulate a greater amount of heavy metals in their tissues.

“ We have more than 300 species that are consumed and fished that the market doesn´t value ” As consumers, we know few varieties, we follow fashions, trends and we do not know enough about the species and the role they play within their habitat.

Take advantage of all parts of the fish

Every part of the fish can be cooked, you can even make jellywith the scales .

The questions required: what, how and where

In Manolo's words, “Before eating any product from the sea, you have to see it as an animal that carries out a strategy that makes the world work in our favor. It's not just food. You have to ask where it comes from ”. This is our responsibility as consumers: to always know where our food comes from.

FIP Certification

This certification is given to fisheries that meet strict sustainability parameters . A good example is the SmartFish distributor, which only buys from FIP providers. (

To view the complete interview : https: / /

Written by: Ana Belausarán

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